Upcoming Meeting & Agenda
- December 12 Agenda
2024 Municipal Authority Meeting Minutes
- January Minutes
- February Minutes
- March Minutes
- April Minutes
- May Minutes
- June Minutes
- July Minutes
- August Minutes
- September Minutes
- October Minutes
- November Joint Meeting Minutes
- November Minutes
Municipal Authority Meeting Minutes Archives
Meeting Rules
(Please contact the Township Office for video/audio meeting options.)
The following are rules and regulations governing monthly Authority meetings adopted by the NLT Municipal Authority on January 12, 2006:
- The Agenda for the meeting is available at the Township office prior to the meeting, and it is also available at the meeting.
- If anyone wants to be placed on the Agenda, they may do so by contacting the Township office seven days prior to the meeting.
- The Public Comment time is at the beginning of the meeting. If anyone comes to the meeting after the Public Comment time is concluded, they will not be given another time for comment during the meeting. The person may submit the information in writing to the Authority, and if warranted, the Authority will respond in writing. The person will always have the opportunity of coming to the next meeting at the time designated for Public Comment time.
- Anyone wishing to speak during the Public Comment time must give his or her name and address for the record. Each person shall be given five minutes to address the Board. The Authority reserves the right to end the Public Comment time after one hour.
- The Authority will not discuss the Water Project or the water pressure during the Public Comment time of the meeting. If anyone has a question or a comment, the may submit it in writing. If appropriate, the Authority will respond in writing. This policy will be reviewed after the litigation is concluded.
- The Authority reserves the right to stop Public Comment when the person is out of hand, and the Authority will have any individual removed from the meeting who is disruptive to the meeting.
- The Authority reserves the right to take the information presented under consideration and to provide a response at or prior to the next meeting.
- When the Authority begins with the business of it’s meeting, they will not accept Public Comment or questions.
- The Authority may have an Executive Session at the end of the meeting, and the members of the public will be excluded. The Authority will discuss those issues as are permitted to be discussed.