Spring/Fall Clean-Up
North Lebanon Township offers two collections throughout the year where yard waste items, such as branches, sticks, and twigs are picked up curb side. Our Spring clean-up is typically held in April and our Fall clean-up is typically held in October. Only ONE collection sweep of the Township will be made. Everything must be out prior to the sweep as there are no return trips. When selected, the collection dates for the year will be posted on the Township website, on our signboard, and in the Township newsletter. Please call the office with inquiries about our next collection.
Leaf Collection
North Lebanon Township offers a Fall leaf collection once a year beginning
the end of October. Our Highway Crew will make weekly trips throughout the
Township and collect leaves that are raked about two feet from the curbing of
the property. Please do not place leaves near mailboxes, vehicles, or any other
objects. This collection is for leaves ONLY. Any other material will damage the
equipment. The leaf collection will continue through the first two weeks of
December OR cease on the first measurable snowfall.