
NOTICE is hereby given that the North Lebanon Twp Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing to receive questions and comments on proposed Ord 5-2024 at 7:00 PM and Ord 6-2024 at 7:15 PM at its regular meeting to be held Monday, September 16, 2014 at the North Lebanon Twp Municipal Bldg.

Proposed Ord 5-2024 would amend Chapter 24, Part 8, SS 24-802 Designation of Area in Which Properties Are Eligible for LERTA Tax Exemption. Proposed Ord 6-2024 would amend Chapter 15, Part 4, SS 15-403 Parking Prohibited at All Times in Certain Locations.

At the conclusion of each public hearing, the Board of Supervisors will consider enactment of the ordinance and may vote either in favor or against adoption of the proposed ordinance. Draft copies of each ordinance is below.

Ord 5-2024 NLT LERTA Ordinance

Ord 6-2024 Motor Vehicles Amendment